Tuesday 11 June 2013

Script; RC LO3.4

Learning Objective 3


3.4 Develop scripts appropriate to the audience for a specific radio commercial working to a standard acceptable to the client.

Time in Seconds.

0.5 S

0.10 S

0.15 S

0.20 S

0.30 S

0.34 S

0.35 S


*Tap sound effect*


*Jazz sound effect*


*Ballet sound effect*

*Scratch disk sound effect*

Hold up what about Hi-Hop, African, Waacking even?!

Hip-Hop? Waacking?

Well Dynamic Eclipse Arts has just that and we need you. So if you want to learn and have fun all at the same time then this is for you!

So why don’t you follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook.

Do It Now!

This was scripted by myself and edited between myself and Aylen.

Time in Seconds.

0.8 S

0.12 S

0.20 S

0.27 S

0.32 S
Look your Dad signed you up for ballet lessons.

But Mum I want to learn Street Dance and so much more just like my friends.

Where are you going to do that? There isn’t anywhere is there?

Mum there is, look Dynamic Eclipse Arts do Waacking, tapping and all the other dances. I want to learn I really wanna go.

Wow that’s amazing let’s sign you up!

*Yay sound effect*

Find us on Facebook, Dynamic Eclipse Arts.

Do It Now!

This was scripted by Aylen and edited by Aylen. 

Time in Seconds.

0.3 S

0.7 S

0.10 S

0.21 S

0.28 S

0.32 S
Are you tired of boring dance routines?


Do you want to learn a wide range of dance styles?


Do you want to learn, have fun and even perform?


Then you need Dynamic Eclipse Arts, we are a danced based community company looking to take on anyone who loves to dance as much as we do and learn different dance styles of all genres.

So follow us on Twitter, you won’t be disappointed.

Do It Now!

*Yay sound effect*

This was scripted by both me and Aylen and edited by me. 

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