Tuesday 25 June 2013

Camera Selection; LBR LO3.2

Learning Objective 3

Camera Selection.
3.2 Apply creative considerations when selecting photographic techniques.

On this project I have decided on the use of two cameras for my final photography shoot; a Nikon D3100 and my iPhone 5. I have chosen these two as I believe that they will given the style and look that I need to create my final images on my project of ‘A Day and Night in Romford’.
The Nikon will be used for the daytime shots as they will give me a clear and crisp photography which will capture the precise detail of the area to show a true reflection on what Romford is like. Also I will be able to ensure that I will to have correct exposure meaning that I will be able to display images that will show what the eye would see giving the viewer of the photography an exact view of Romford and make them feel as though they are just standing and watching the life go by. A snapshot in time.

My other choice is for my night-time shots will be my iPhone 5 the reasoning for this is that I want to capture the night life from the perspective of a student. I decided on the iPhone as I knew that to get the images I was after this was the way that I needed to go as a teenager on a night out isn’t going to be using a professional camera or a film camera they will be more than likely using their phones and that is exactly what I intended to do. I will go out on a Saturday night just as any young person would and I will capture my night out and will look through the images in the morning to see what I have captured.

For me this camera selection I believe that both will capture Romford in a true light and will be able to display what this town has to offer a busy market in the day and a loud nightlife. I want to be able to capture what it would be like to spend a day in Romford.

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