Tuesday 11 June 2013

Client Needs; RC LO3.1

Learning Objective 3
3.1 Critically assess a client’s need for a radio commercial.

Surprising though it is to many people dazzled by the constant stream of new technology launches, good old radio (meaning that broadcast linear stream of predominantly live presenter-led audio content) is in absolutely AMAZING shape. Britain really does love radio!
The facts speak for themselves: record audiences of almost 47 million (90%) of adults listen to radio every week for an average of 22 hours, with 33 million tuning in to the commercial sector alone. No surprise also that the IPA’s Touch points 3 study demonstrates that radio is still the nation’s second most-consumed medium after TV, accounting for over a quarter of the average adult’s time spent with media across the day.
Perhaps this love for the medium derives from the fact that, freely available and effortless to consume, radio on any platform continues to play a unique emotional role in the listener’s life – lifting their mood when engaged in other tasks, wherever, whenever – a role that is impossible for other media to fulfil to the same degree.
Britain’s love of radio means that the medium wields incredibly powerful emotional influence for advertiser brands. The RAB website is designed to help advertisers share in that love. We hope you find it valuable.’ [RAB, 2013, Online]

We have decided that it would be appropriate for us to broadcast our radio advertisements on a local commercial radio station Time 107.5fm. We have chosen this station as it is local to the area of the dance company therefore reaching the intended target audience C2DE.  Also the music that this station broadcasts is similar to what the client uses within their rehearsals and lessons, so therefore the listeners will already share a common interest with the dance company.
We believe that broadcasting the advertisement in the morning as this is the school run and many young teens will be in the car with their parents and will have the radio on in the background as well as in the middle of the afternoon around 3:00pm as again this is the end of the school and you will be able to reach a similar target audience and maybe even catch the same listeners therefore reinforces this firmly in their ears and minds.

The policy at Time 107.5fm is that if you want to advertise with them then your advert must be played at minimum of at least 35 commercials broadcast over a full 7 days so therefore our suggestion is to broadcast the advertisement once every hour between 7:00am-10:00am and again between 2:00pm-5:00pm this results in the advert being broadcast six times a day with is totalling 42 times a week meeting the requirements set by the radio station. Time 107.5fm has a policy of you can have from 1-120 adverts over a month for the price of £15 per advert so therefore with our suggestions that works out at £630 per week.

As a production company we believe that my advertising on the radio will be the quickest and easiest way of reaching their intended target audience as this is will publicise their company and will encourage people onto their Facebook page that will have the promotional video uploaded therefore maximising the amount of courage the promotional package.

Source; http://www.rab.co.uk/ , Radio Advertising Bureau, 2013, Online.

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