Tuesday 25 June 2013

Photographic Techniques; LBR LO3.1

Learning Objective 3

Photographic Techniques.
3.1 Explore formal elements through the use of photographic techniques.

I wanted to look at the different exposure techniques that I could use with my DSLR and I look a flower and took 3 separate shots of the flower one with correct exposure, one over-exposed and one under-exposed photograph to compare the photos to see whether or not exposure could be an element that I may wish to change and mess around with on my final shots to create a different style to the images. 

This above photo taken on my DLSR with my 35mm lens was over-exposed. You can tell that this photo is overly exposed to the light as the natural light that is entering through the window is white and has completely taken the definition out of the window completely and taken that detail away from the image. Over exposure of a photo means that you have let too much light through the aperture.

The photography below was taken on my DSLR with my 35mm lens and was under-exposed. Under exposure means that you didn’t allow enough light in through the aperture when the image with the lighting conditions that was there needed more light to ensure you get that perfect image. This photograph is dark and is lacking in colour, this image is of a poor quality as you cannot take in all what the image has to offer.

This photo was again taken on my DSLR with my 35mm lens. However this photograph has the correct exposure meaning it has the perfect amount of light coming through the aperture to result in a perfectly exposed image. You can see within the image the quality and detail on the petals of the flower the light just sits perfectly and results in a good end result.

On experimenting with the exposure I believe that I will want to aim for correctly exposed images in order to catch the life in the light that it is naturally set as I don’t want to under expose my images as I want to catch the detail in the images.

When using the medium format camera we used soft boxes to light the studio to give it that soft edge. Also when out and using the twin lens camera we used a light reflector to reflect the sunlight onto the face of the model.

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