Monday 10 June 2013

Codes and Conventions; PV LO1.1

Learning Objective 1
1.1 Analysis the application of the codes and conventions of promotional video production in examples of past and current practice.

Corporate video production is, in simple terms, audio-visual corporate communications material commissioned primarily for a use by a company, corporation or organisation. A corporate video is often intended for a specific purpose in a corporate or business to business environment and viewed by only a limited or an intended target audience. Examples include health and safety videos, staff training and promotional and branding films. A growth within digital technology means that there is now, more than often, a convergence between corporate video and other forms of media communications, such as television advertising and broadcast television. Many corporate videos may be produced by using the same production techniques and style as broadcast television programme as a way of engaging audiences.
Research has also found that if a company includes a corporate video on their own website that, they don’t only improve the volume and quality of traffic from search engines such as Yahoo, YouTube and Google but it will increase the chances by 50% on it hitting the first page on Google.
The corporate video production process will frequently involve the following stages:
  1. Pre-Production, planning includes script writing and storyboard. The budget will also be agreed at this stage between the Production Company and client.
  2. Video Production, including location filming with a camera crew and director. This may also include other elements, such as actors and presenters.
  3. Post-Production and video editing - the filmed (live action) footage is edited together. This may also include recording an audio voice-over, adding graphics, composing a music score or soundtrack, and including 2D/3D animation sequences with the finished video.

HDV cameras are now used for industrials, documentaries, events, and even high end weddings. The HDV high definition format is a compressed format equivalent to the bandwidth of a broadcasted high definition signal. The higher end cameras, if they are recorded on tape are usually recorded on Panasonic D-5's or Sony HD-Cam video recorders. 
There are some commonalities with all the professional cameras.
1. Almost all of them have interchangeable lenses (which is of critical importance when shooting some shows).
2. They are all 3 chip cameras
3. If it is a DV format it will accept a full DV tape not just a mini DV tape.

The corporate sector in numbers;
The average budget for moving image content is around £23,000, whereas the average budget for a live event is around £100,000.
The average turnover of a corporate communications company is £6,700,000 with the average profit of a communications company is £258,000.

Nicholas Andre Dance Promotional Video created by Nel Shelby Productions.

The above link for The Nicholas Andre Dance Promotional Video was one of the first that stood out for me whilst I was analysing promotional videos as this production piece was just basically a 3 minute montage of his works. Simple yet so effective. The production company have shot footage of his productions and pieced it together to create a flow of works, which are so different yet fit together as one. The use of montage was first started way back in 1929 with the experimentally Russian silent film, A Man with a Movie Camera directed by Dziga Vertov.

USA Promotional Tourism Video.

The above link is for a USA tourism video that was produced by United States Web Travel Map. This promotional video is designed to show people what the USA is all about and to encourage them to visit their country. On watching the promotional video I first noticed that it was a combination of still and moving image which showed the wide range of culture and diversity throughout the country. The video consists of very little spoken word and contains a fast paced piece of music which keeps you engaged and focused on the piece as the music builds and builds throughout. However I do believe that the video solely focuses on the people of America rather than the landscape and what is around them, which for me is a negative on the video considering it is a tourism video you don’t get to see much of what America actually looks like. However the promotional video does take the viewer on a journey across the USA and displays an insight into the people lives.

On looking at both promotional videos I can see a distinct difference as Nel Shelby Productions use simple camera shots as they are restricted with their choices of angles as the locations in which they film are restricting whereas watching what United States Web Travel Map have a variety of camera shots from in air camera work to just simple single camera shots, this is due to the fact that they’re more than likely working with a larger budget and are able to me as creative and free with their location choices. So therefore you can see how a big corporate company video compares to a small independent promotional dance company.

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