Tuesday 11 June 2013

Evaluation; RC LO4.1 and LO4.2

Learning Objective 4

4.1 Source appropriate radio commercial content to fulfil a client brief working to a standard acceptable to the client.
4.2 Edit radio commercials of a specific duration working to standards acceptable to the client.

In this unit I and Aylen Abdullah had to create three radio advertisements for our client Dynamic Eclipse Arts. This unit for me was one of the stronger units as I have more production experience in radio than I have in other areas.
On working on this unit I found that I was able to put my skills to use and show what I was able to do with the studio work and with the editing process of the radio advertisements. I particularly enjoyed this unit as I was able to participate in the production myself and was recorded in the studio in all three of the adverts, I believe that this is a strong element for me as I can use my voice to create the positive and upbeat feel that the adverts required. However getting to the production stage was proving more and more difficult as my work part fell ill throughout the majority of this production so therefore our schedule was pushed back on the filming element to this promotional package therefore pushing back on the recording of the advertisements. Another factor that made this slightly more difficult was again the communication with our client, although we did have a brief set out and a contract agreed with the client we was still unaware of how far we could push the advertisements so the breakdown in communication left us feeling unsure on how to move forward with the promotional package.
When we came to record our radio advertisements in the studio we did encounter an issue as the studio wasn’t working to its full potential and we was unable to record any sound whatsoever, this was resolved later on in the evening however we had run out of recording time so we pushed it back one more day. We also had to source content for our radio adverts which took up more of our time as we was editing the adverts on a PC and we could only download them on a iMac so we had to keep making file transfer between the two, this wasn’t much of a problem but a time consuming process and time was against us at this point in the process.
This unit has helped me to develop and put what skills I had to the test and pushed me to see how well I could cope with the production element and I believe that I have gained a lot of experience from this client led project and it has shown me how difficult and frustrating it can be working for someone especially when the communication is second to none at some points in the production process however I have learnt how to deal with clients and how to work as part of a production company.

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