Monday 10 June 2013

Legal, Ethical and Health and Safety Requirements (Release Forms); PV LO2.2

Learning Objective 2

2.2 Ensure compliance with relevant legal, ethical and health and safety requirements.

Below is an example of a release form that is required when filming children under the age of 18 years old. This example is from the Channel 4 website and is used by the producers there for when they wish to use children in one of the programmes they are producing. We do have footage of children however the company that we are creating the promotional video for have already got release forms from their parents as they do themselves film for other purposes.

Release Form Example.

“NAME OF PROGRAMME” (Working Title)
[Name of child], who is under my care and control has been asked to take part in the
above programme.
1. That on signing this I have agreed that all or some of [name of child]’s
recorded contribution can be included in this programme and to the other
points in this letter.
2. That the nature of the programme which deals with [insert a fair and accurate
description of the programme] has been explained to me. [Where
appropriate a full programme description that explains the envisaged role of
the contributor should be referenced and attached to this release form].
3. That the producers do not have to use [name of child]’s recorded
contribution, but if they do, they may fairly cut and edit it in accordance with
the TV regulator’s (Ofcom) Broadcasting Code and use it in any publicity for
the programme.
4. That I give all necessary consents for [name of child]’s recorded contribution
to be used in all media anywhere in the world.



“NAME OF PROGRAMME” (Working Title)
I understand and agree: -

1. That on signing this I have agreed that I can be filmed and that some or all of
this filming can be included in this programme.
2. That the nature of the programme which deals with [insert a fair and accurate
description of the programme] has been explained to me. [Where
appropriate a full programme description that explains the envisaged role of
the contributor should be referenced and attached to this release form].
3. That the producers do not have to use their filming of me, but if they do, they
may fairly cut and edit as they wish in accordance the TV regulator’s (Ofcom)
Broadcasting Code and use it in any publicity for the programme.
4. That I give all necessary consents for the filming of me to be used in the
programme in all media throughout the world.


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