Tuesday 11 June 2013

Review of two Radio Advertisements; RC LO2.1

Learning Objective 2

Review of two radio advertisements.
2.1 Critically review the styles of radio commercials in relation to their purpose.

I listened to the radio advertisement for greatmagazines.co.uk which was broadcast on the radio station Kiss 100fm at around 7:18pm on a weeknight. The advert was for Father’s Day and the aim was to sell their product as the ideal gift for this occasion. The company has broadcast their advert in the early evening when the listeners are likely to be university students who are studying whilst having the radio on in the background, or young workers just home from work. The advert has emphasised the fact this the perfect gift for Father’s Day as well as mentioning that it is cheap and afford the two things the younger generation love to hear, ideal and cheap! The advert also states that they have the best magazines that is on offer today followed by a promo code to save even more money or this already incredible offer, I believe that this has been done so that the listener will think well I’m getting the best there is for the cheapest possible prices it’s a win-win situation. The advertisement is clear, simple and to the point. They use a vibrant piece of music playing throughout the advert which grabs the ears of the listeners and engages them through the duration of the piece.

I also listened to the radio advertisement for webuyanycar.com that was broadcast on the radio station Kiss 100fm at found 7:38pm on a weeknight. The advert was selling their price promise guarantee that they offer to their customers. Again as stated before the listeners are more than likely going to be C2DE and these are the people that are more than likely going to sell their cars if they are in need of some quick cash so why not tell them exactly where they can do just that. The advert is broadcasted at a time that the majority of its listeners are more than likely not the richest of people therefore they are giving them a way out of that by selling their car for cash. Also the advertisement has a voiceover that is recorded by the famous James Corden an icon for this generation, someone that they will instantly recognise and someone that they will be interested in what he has to say.

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