Friday 25 January 2013

Pre-Production (Shot List); PSV LO3.1

Learning Objective 3

3.1 Complete all pre-production work to a standard acceptable to an employer or client.

Original Shot List.

1.       Opening with a shot of a bottle of pills dropping to the floor.

2.       Start of title sequence- (montage of the main character and her fiancĂ© life together)

3.       Chloe is sat at home frantically ringing and messaging her partner to find out where he is. Also she is constantly checking the time and tapping her fingers on the table as well as clicking a pen. (Dialogue of voice mails and her ranting to herself).

4.       Chloe walks into the kitchen and throws the dinner into the sink and goes to bed.

5.       Chloe goes to leave her house when a delivery of flowers comes with a note saying ‘Sorry for your loss’.

6.       Chloe is at work constantly checking her messaged and staring at photography of her partner.

7.       Sitting at her office desk Chloe turns to work partner and moans about the fact her partner didn’t come home last night and that she made an effort to make dinner for him.

8.       Her work partner then reminds Chloe of the fact that her partner is no longer alive.

9.       Chloe bites back with a nasty comment and runs out of the office crying.

10.   Walking down the street her partner appears next to her she explains what has happened at work.

11.   Walks in her house sees ‘sorry for you loss’ cards.

12.   Runs in kitchen grabs the bottle of pills takes a few exits the house.

13.   Walks to a field breaks down and shouts at him (crazy moment).

14.   Harms her, throws the ring, shouts, cries etc.

15.   Sitting in a corner down an alley way with a bottle of drink and pills, people looking and staring.

16.   A friend of Chloe’s spots her and goes to offer help; Chloe snaps at him and threatens to get her partner to hurt him.

17.   They walk to a cafe and he tries to calm her down explaining to her again about her partner.

18.   He takes her home.

19.   Chloe then has another crazy moment.

20.   Scary background noises/voices.

21.   Cuts to silence and Chloe tops herself the pills drop the blood pours.

22.   Her mum comes to visit Chloe the door is open she finds her daughter dead on the floor.

This is the sheet we used on the shoot we made the changes as they needed to be done on the day.

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