Friday 25 January 2013

Evaluation; PSV LO2.2

Learning Objective 2

2.2 Meet client requirements in relation to specified audience.

Throughout this project we have come across many difficulties, the biggest being the capturing of the tape. It took 3 attempts to capture the footage on the tape, unfortunately during this process we lost footage and was left with very little time to film the missing scenes, yet we did overcome this factor and luckily our actor was available to shot with us and such short notice. We also had difficulties with our locations as being on a low budget and not having access to many areas to film we had to cut different scenes from our original shot list and during the ideas stage we changed this and chose to shoot in the house and use the street for some scenes. We did however have more street scenes yet due to our loss of footage we could not re-shoot those scenes.

However I do believe that we did produce a film that captured our idea and got across our story and message. Between us in the production we worked well together as I could do the filming and get the actor and Aylen could edit and also film and between us we split the paperwork. I have learnt that working within a group has made this project more enjoyable as we could both work to our strengths to produce the best film that we can possible.

I do believe that I have learnt a great deal from this project as I have never before produced a short film, this was a whole new experience to me and I have learnt that time is key as we didn’t account for the loss of footage and it would’ve been better if we had a little more time to edit however we had a slight set back. However all in all I do believe that we have produced a successful piece of work and it is something that I am proud of, and if I had more editing time, which was a fault of our own, that we could’ve made a more clean production.

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