Friday 25 January 2013

Pre-Production (Production Diary); PSV LO3.1

Learning Objective 3

3.1 Complete all pre-production work to a standard acceptable to an employer or client.

Production Diary.

Week One:  We was given our briefing for this project, and was given time to come up with a basic idea. This is where we got the first person perspective idea from them and the project just developed from then.

Week Two: We looked into films that had a similar story and/or similar camera work, to give us some ideas of how we could create our own ideas. This brought to our attention that we were going to really need to work on the visuals in this film.

Week Three: We then created a pitch for our idea to show to the rest of the students to help us develop our ideas, and to see if they would stand strong enough for us to be able to produce this type of film.

Week Four: We both sat and planned out how the film was going to flow with our shot list, this helped us envision how it was going to set our and structured. Also it started us on thinking of locations.

Week Five: We then started to piece together our story and create a small script as we only needed one main focus in the film and this was the visuals so our main focus was to come up with our ideas for what it was going to look like on screen.

Week Six: Location, location, location. Where was we going to film, we came up with a few ideas just before our Christmas break, in order to create the atmosphere that we wanted we needed somewhere unusual and different and we did find a location in London and planned to film there the week back from Christmas.

Week Seven: Christmas Break. We worked on getting the paperwork together.

Week Eight: Christmas Break. We worked on getting the paperwork together.

Week Nine: We got together to work out when we going to film and we spoke to our actor to find out the best possible time for them and we shot the film over the weekend.

Week Ten: We got all the footage and started on the editing and this is when we found out that we had lost footage, therefore we got back in touch with our actor and arranged to re-film the missing scenes.

Week Eleven: We got together in the editing suites and working on a completed film together adding in all the extra effects and piecing it all together.

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