Wednesday 16 January 2013

Evaluation; VLP LO3.2

Learning Objective 3

3.2 Evaluate the relationship between image and communication in own work.

What went well...?

This was my first attempt at creating an Animatic and for my first go I personal don’t think that I did too bad. For me the photographs that I produced on this project were a real positive for me as I have never used DSLR camera before and the quality that they were produced at were high for the little experience that I as an individual had. Throughout this project I have learnt many new skills for instance I now know how to set up a fully working studio in which I can work safely, as well as being introduced to many different pieces of software such as; Photoshop, Adobe Audition, After Effects etc. It has taught me a lot of new skills that I can then develop and use in the future. I am also proud of my sound recordings as I have previously done a radio course I was able to put some of my knowledge to the test and show what it is I can do.

What I could do better...?

The final Animatic, for me, is not to the standard that I would’ve like as you will see that the cut outs of the photographs did not match and that it my fault as I wasn't careful enough when using Photoshop and this is something I will be looking at in more detail in future projects as detail is key as the smallest thing can make a big difference in projects such as this one, also this is a big must if this was going to be transferred into the work industry. Time keeping ability, this is something that I will most definitely be using in my future projects, time is of the essence, every second counts in these projects and only how have I learnt how important it really is.


I do believe that my final project isn’t perfect however from where I was at the beginning of the course this is a huge step forward in the right direction for me as I have developed so much in these past few months I know things that I never knew before which will stay with me forever. If I could restart this project I will take more care with my editing and cutting on photoshop as well as start the production a lot earlier so that I would have time to go back over my piece and make any corrections. Overall I am happy with my final piece of work.  

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