Friday 25 January 2013

Equipment; PSV LO1.1 and PSV LO1.2

Learning Objective 1

1.1   Set up and use video recording equipment working to a standard acceptable to an employer or client.

1.2  Set up and use audio recording equipment working to a standard acceptable to an employer or client.

We used a wide range of different equipment pieces to create our final production, below shows you what was required in order to make our film.

Here is the Sony V1 HD Camera. This was the only camera we used during our production, as it was perfect for the first person perspective that we was trying to create, also this is an industry standard piece of equipment. It made for a better end result.

This is a Manfrotto 519 fluid head tripod. Although during our production we didn’t use a tripod as the idea was to create unsteady shots in order to create the effect that we wanted. However we did bring it on shoot just as a backup option.

These are the Sennheiser HD 202 headphones that we used on shoot so that we could keep an eye on the sound levels and to listen of for any unwanted noise.

Learning Objective 1

This is the Sennheiser ME66 shot gun microphone that was used with as the boom microphone on shoot.

We used an iMac to create our final production film, by using the software Final Cut Pro to help add the effects and to piece together the footage.

Learning Objective 1

Here a few photos from the shoot showing how we set up the tripod and boom microphone.

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