Monday 28 January 2013

Film; PSV LO3.2 and PSV LO3.3

Learning Objective 3

3.2 Complete all production work to a standard acceptable to an employer or client.

3.3 Complete all post-production work to a standard acceptable to an employer or client.

Here is the link to our film:

We used the programme Final Cut Pro to edit the final piece and to add the effects etc.

Friday 25 January 2013

Pre-Production (Roles); PSV LO3.1

Learning Objective 3

3.1 Complete all pre-production work to a standard acceptable to an employer or client.

The Roles.

Script – Charley.
Storyboard – Charley.
Production Diary – Aylen.
Health and Safety – Aylen and Charley.
Camera Operator – Aylen and Charley.
Sound Engineer - Aylen and Charley.
Editing – Aylen.
Acting - Charley and Charlie Birch (actor).

Pre-Production (Production Diary); PSV LO3.1

Learning Objective 3

3.1 Complete all pre-production work to a standard acceptable to an employer or client.

Production Diary.

Week One:  We was given our briefing for this project, and was given time to come up with a basic idea. This is where we got the first person perspective idea from them and the project just developed from then.

Week Two: We looked into films that had a similar story and/or similar camera work, to give us some ideas of how we could create our own ideas. This brought to our attention that we were going to really need to work on the visuals in this film.

Week Three: We then created a pitch for our idea to show to the rest of the students to help us develop our ideas, and to see if they would stand strong enough for us to be able to produce this type of film.

Week Four: We both sat and planned out how the film was going to flow with our shot list, this helped us envision how it was going to set our and structured. Also it started us on thinking of locations.

Week Five: We then started to piece together our story and create a small script as we only needed one main focus in the film and this was the visuals so our main focus was to come up with our ideas for what it was going to look like on screen.

Week Six: Location, location, location. Where was we going to film, we came up with a few ideas just before our Christmas break, in order to create the atmosphere that we wanted we needed somewhere unusual and different and we did find a location in London and planned to film there the week back from Christmas.

Week Seven: Christmas Break. We worked on getting the paperwork together.

Week Eight: Christmas Break. We worked on getting the paperwork together.

Week Nine: We got together to work out when we going to film and we spoke to our actor to find out the best possible time for them and we shot the film over the weekend.

Week Ten: We got all the footage and started on the editing and this is when we found out that we had lost footage, therefore we got back in touch with our actor and arranged to re-film the missing scenes.

Week Eleven: We got together in the editing suites and working on a completed film together adding in all the extra effects and piecing it all together.

Pre-Production (Storyboard); PSV LO3.1

Learning Objective 3

3.1 Complete all pre-production work to a standard acceptable to an employer or client.


Pre-Production (Shot List); PSV LO3.1

Learning Objective 3

3.1 Complete all pre-production work to a standard acceptable to an employer or client.

Original Shot List.

1.       Opening with a shot of a bottle of pills dropping to the floor.

2.       Start of title sequence- (montage of the main character and her fiancĂ© life together)

3.       Chloe is sat at home frantically ringing and messaging her partner to find out where he is. Also she is constantly checking the time and tapping her fingers on the table as well as clicking a pen. (Dialogue of voice mails and her ranting to herself).

4.       Chloe walks into the kitchen and throws the dinner into the sink and goes to bed.

5.       Chloe goes to leave her house when a delivery of flowers comes with a note saying ‘Sorry for your loss’.

6.       Chloe is at work constantly checking her messaged and staring at photography of her partner.

7.       Sitting at her office desk Chloe turns to work partner and moans about the fact her partner didn’t come home last night and that she made an effort to make dinner for him.

8.       Her work partner then reminds Chloe of the fact that her partner is no longer alive.

9.       Chloe bites back with a nasty comment and runs out of the office crying.

10.   Walking down the street her partner appears next to her she explains what has happened at work.

11.   Walks in her house sees ‘sorry for you loss’ cards.

12.   Runs in kitchen grabs the bottle of pills takes a few exits the house.

13.   Walks to a field breaks down and shouts at him (crazy moment).

14.   Harms her, throws the ring, shouts, cries etc.

15.   Sitting in a corner down an alley way with a bottle of drink and pills, people looking and staring.

16.   A friend of Chloe’s spots her and goes to offer help; Chloe snaps at him and threatens to get her partner to hurt him.

17.   They walk to a cafe and he tries to calm her down explaining to her again about her partner.

18.   He takes her home.

19.   Chloe then has another crazy moment.

20.   Scary background noises/voices.

21.   Cuts to silence and Chloe tops herself the pills drop the blood pours.

22.   Her mum comes to visit Chloe the door is open she finds her daughter dead on the floor.

This is the sheet we used on the shoot we made the changes as they needed to be done on the day.

Pre-Production (Script); PSV LO3.1

Learning Objective 3

3.1 Complete all pre-production work to a standard acceptable to an employer or client.



CHLOE is sitting on the sofa frantically clicking a pen whilst checking her watch and leaving voicemails on her Joey’s phone.

Hello this is the fifth voicemail I have left you where are you, I’ve made dinner and everything, you should be home by now, where are you, call me when you get this message.

CHLOE hangs up the phone and checks her watch.

God he should be here.



CHLOE looks at the food she has prepared.


CHLOE throws phone on the side.

CHLOE picks up the plates and empties the food into a plastic bag.

It’s ruined all of it!


Chloe is standing in the living room on the phone to her friend.

Phone Call:

Hi, you alright?
Yeah I’m good thanks
Nah I’m just calling the weirdest thing happened, he didn’t come home last night, I just wondered if you had heard from him, he wouldn’t answer any of my calls. It was really weird.

Doorbell rings

Hold on hold on the doorbells just gone.


Chloe walks and opens the door to discover flowers and card on her doorstep; she picks them both up and closes the door.

What the hell is this?

Chloe walks back to the living room.


Chloe walks into the living throws the flowers onto the sofa and opens the card.

Oh my god what’s this?
My loss.

Chloe returns to her phone conversation.

You’ll never guess what’s just happened to me I have just received theses flowers and card.
Yeah it says sorry for your loss, its proper creepy
Some Tom I don’t even know a Tom
What you mean?
No he didn’t die!
He’s not dead why are you saying this?
No oh my god I thought you was my friend why are you saying this? Just fuck off yeah!

Chloe throws the phone on the sofa.

It’s weird

Chloe throws the card and turns to go and trash the cards sitting on the side.

What’s this?

Chloe runs off into the kitchen, heavy breathing.


I just can’t, I just can’t do this

Chloe opens the cupboard and grabs the pills and exits through the front door.


Chloe is sitting on the floor shaking the bottle of pills, crying.

Why did he leave me, he promised he wouldn’t leave me, I can’t do this on my own.

Chloe hears a noise it startles her.

Joey walks over.

Honey, what have you done to yourself? I hate seeing you like this, you have to be strong.

You did this to me I hate you why did you go, why I can’t I just can’t.

Your safe now comes with me. Come on.

You promise you won’t leave me.

I promise.

Her Joey takes her hand.


Joey shuts the door, walks ahead and hangs his coat up.

Honey what you doing? Go into the front room, I’ll be in, in a second

Chloe walks into the living room.


Come on then tell what happened?

She said these awful things to me, I told her you didn’t return last night and I thought she may of heard from you or something. She said you were dead and you weren’t here anymore. It was really weird and I was like why would you say that don’t you think that was out of order?

Chloe looks around the room.

Honey, honey!

Chloe kicks the flowers.

Stupid flowers, you promised you wouldn’t leave me again you promised why would you do this again you promised I can’t do this on my own I can’t do this!

Chloe falls to the ground.

I cant do this on my own, where’s the other bottle?

Chloe gets up off the ground and walks to the bathroom.


Chloe grabs the bottle of pills from the cupboard and walks to the stairs.


Chloe struggles to get up the stairs whilst taking the pills.

Chloe then falls down the stairs.


Chloe’s sister enters through the front door whilst on the phone, she turns and discovers Chloe.


Evaluation; PSV LO2.2

Learning Objective 2

2.2 Meet client requirements in relation to specified audience.

Throughout this project we have come across many difficulties, the biggest being the capturing of the tape. It took 3 attempts to capture the footage on the tape, unfortunately during this process we lost footage and was left with very little time to film the missing scenes, yet we did overcome this factor and luckily our actor was available to shot with us and such short notice. We also had difficulties with our locations as being on a low budget and not having access to many areas to film we had to cut different scenes from our original shot list and during the ideas stage we changed this and chose to shoot in the house and use the street for some scenes. We did however have more street scenes yet due to our loss of footage we could not re-shoot those scenes.

However I do believe that we did produce a film that captured our idea and got across our story and message. Between us in the production we worked well together as I could do the filming and get the actor and Aylen could edit and also film and between us we split the paperwork. I have learnt that working within a group has made this project more enjoyable as we could both work to our strengths to produce the best film that we can possible.

I do believe that I have learnt a great deal from this project as I have never before produced a short film, this was a whole new experience to me and I have learnt that time is key as we didn’t account for the loss of footage and it would’ve been better if we had a little more time to edit however we had a slight set back. However all in all I do believe that we have produced a successful piece of work and it is something that I am proud of, and if I had more editing time, which was a fault of our own, that we could’ve made a more clean production.

Pitch; PSV LO2.1

Learning Objective 2

2.1 Liaise effectively with a client.

This is the pitch for our narrative film; Chloe.

Health and Safety; PSV LO1.3 and PSV LO3.1

Learning Objective 1/3

1.3   Follow health and safety guidelines correctly.

3.1 Complete all pre-production work to a standard acceptable to an employer or client.

Health and Safety Sheets.

Who’s at risk?
Severity of injury
Cables on floor/Trip hazards.
Everyone on site.
Tape cables to the floor to avoid tripping.
Camera Operator and Sound Engineer.
Ensure everyone dealing with the equipment is fully trained to do so. Checks are carried out.
Fault Wires.
Camera Operator and Sound Engineer.
Ensure checks are made on all piece of equipment and cables etc.
Anyone dealing with equipment.
Cover equipment when outside in the rain to avoid injury/damage.
Sound Engineer.
Plug headphones in first before placing on ears to ensure the volume isn’t too loud.

Equipment; PSV LO1.1 and PSV LO1.2

Learning Objective 1

1.1   Set up and use video recording equipment working to a standard acceptable to an employer or client.

1.2  Set up and use audio recording equipment working to a standard acceptable to an employer or client.

We used a wide range of different equipment pieces to create our final production, below shows you what was required in order to make our film.

Here is the Sony V1 HD Camera. This was the only camera we used during our production, as it was perfect for the first person perspective that we was trying to create, also this is an industry standard piece of equipment. It made for a better end result.

This is a Manfrotto 519 fluid head tripod. Although during our production we didn’t use a tripod as the idea was to create unsteady shots in order to create the effect that we wanted. However we did bring it on shoot just as a backup option.

These are the Sennheiser HD 202 headphones that we used on shoot so that we could keep an eye on the sound levels and to listen of for any unwanted noise.

Learning Objective 1

This is the Sennheiser ME66 shot gun microphone that was used with as the boom microphone on shoot.

We used an iMac to create our final production film, by using the software Final Cut Pro to help add the effects and to piece together the footage.

Learning Objective 1

Here a few photos from the shoot showing how we set up the tripod and boom microphone.