Friday 21 December 2012

Script; PSR LO4.1

Learning Objective 4

4.1 Maintain records of production process effectively using correct documentation.

Time in seconds
0.0 S









Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it for years and years society has created its own idea of what beauty is. It plays a huge role in the life we live; people spend their whole lives trying to be something that they’re not.

However research has found that being beautiful does have its perks for instance it has been found that patients that are more attractive will receive more personalised care than those who fit into the non-beautiful category, also it seems that even if you commit a criminal offence it’s not so bad if you’re good looking as researchers also found that more handsome criminals received lighter sentences than the less attractive convicts.

So clearly beauty is really that important, so important that on average TOWIE fan will spend £100.00 just to get the “Essex” look. Fans are spending an amazing £1.4b trying to get the distinctive Essex look.

According to statistics sales of items like fake tan have gone up by 89% according to tan suppliers Sally, while Vajazzle me reports that sales of their crystal kits have risen by 400%, and sales of fake nail as used by the cast have gone up by 567%, while retails experts have concluded that any products used by the stars of the show will see in average increase in sales of 46%. Analysts at Mintel tell The Sun, “It's a very powerful way of marketing to youngsters.”

It’s actually crazy to think that there are women out there who are willing to spend more and more money on in my opinion useless products and devices in order to make themselves more attractive just so they can gain that extra little bit of attention from that forever wandering male eye. Well I’ve got some news for you, sure they may be looking at you but is it because they like what they see or is it because you look like a real life oompa loompa let’s be honest we both know the answer to that one.  

What is beautiful anyways who decides what ‘looks good’ well from what I have seen its clear to say that what we are shown in the media, and what’s on the magazine is what we all think is beautiful and what we all want to be.

Right let me ask you this when you’re out with all your girls and a guy walks by some may drool at his appearance whereas others may not see the attraction agreed. So therefore beauty is in the eye of the beholder as not everyone within the group believed him to be good-looking so therefore why do we all want to look the same just because the media tell us what’s hot and what’s not, everyone’s different not everyone likes the same foods or drinks or guys so why would you want to dye your hair red just because every other girl has or get you nails done or cover yourself from head to toe in orange paint.

 We all have a brain lets use and create our own style something you feel comfortable in don’t change yourself to try and fit in with the rest. Don’t be another sheep. Stand-out be who you want to be not what you’re told to be. And I will guarantee you will be smiling on the inside as well as on the out you will feel so much happier.

Beauty is what you make it, so make it your own.

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