Friday 21 December 2012

Proposal; VLP LO3.1 and PSR LO4.1


VLP LO3.1 Produce work that demonstrates knowledge of the relationship between image and communication.
PSR LO4.1 Maintain records of production process effectively using correct documentation.

For this project I want to look at the idea of ‘Beauty Junkies’. My main idea is too look at how society puts a pressure on women to consume beauty products in order to ‘look good’. I will be conducting some research into so called ‘beauty junkies’ and will find out how much women will actually spend on these certain products and how it affects others lives.
For the photography element of this project I will be taking studio based photographs of myself with an over the top look to show the extremes of what make-up can actually do. I have already looked into some photographers and have come across Cindy Sherman; this is where I have got my inspiration from as she too uses herself as the model of her pieces. Also I will be incorporating text into my photographs by placing text over the top of my photos using photoshop, this text will tie in with my main focus of my this project. Beauty. My aim is to look at how women are represented within society and to show to everyone how much of an issue this really is.
The layout/style of my animatic has come from the inspiration of Lauren Greenfield’s ‘Fashion Show’ piece that she has created. I want to use a similar technique used in ‘Fashion Show’, the idea of revealing images piece by piece on top of each other, when I first saw ‘Fashion Show’ I feel in love with the layout of the piece and I too want to make my animatic as visually pleasing as that was.
The audio element of this project will consist of an interview, talk and soundscape. For my interview I will be interviewing a family friend of mine, Julie, as she once worked in a beauty salon and I believe that she will be best suited for my interview considering my whole project is based around beauty. I will also be able to get her opinion on how it has changed over the years from when she was a young teen. My talk will basically consist of me examining facts and statistics, shedding my opinion on what I have found and the idea as a whole. Then my soundscape will be a combination of different products and devices that are used and found within a beauty salon to try and create that atmosphere for the listener.

This is the foundations for my Consumption Animatic; Beauty Junkies.

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