Wednesday 3 July 2013

Research Plan; RT LO1.1 and LO2.1

Learning Objective 1+2

Research Plan.
1.1 Apply research methods and procedures in a media production context to gather well focused and useful materials.
2.1 Apply correct procedures for collection of accurate data.


I want to find out what people think about the town of Romford and how during the day it is a market town and of a night time it becomes club central for many young adults and students. My aim is to be able to show and how Romford has two very different sides.

Primary Research.

For my primary research I will want to find out what the public really think of Romford as an area and to get the views on how they see Romford and what makes it a popular town to visit either in the daytime or the night time. I will be using social media as one of my main resources for my primary research as I will be emailing people that are from a selected age range in order to get their view on the nightlife in Romford, however I will be asking people again of a certain age range, on the high street and market place for their views of what Romford is like in the daytime.

Secondary Research.

For my secondary research I will be using the internet to find out facts and statistics about the area, which will give me an insight into the development of the area and how it has changed over the years so therefore my secondary research will tell me all the facts on what it used to be like and how it has be changed over the years and my primary research will give me the opinions on what it is like today.

Qualitative Research.

This will come from my primary research as this form of research lets us know more about the feelings and emotions of what the person is saying rather than a Yes/No answer. This will come from a structured interview that will consist of set questions that will help me understand the feelings of the respondents on the area.

Quantitative Research.

This form of research will mainly come from secondary research as I will research facts and figures of the area, however I may also get this form of research if I conduct a questionnaire with set answers for people to respond to this will give me my quantitative data to work with and analyse.

Structured Interviews.

I will conduct interviews with members of the public that are in and around the high street and the market place in order to get their opinion on the area by asking those set questions that will give the information that I require.


I will have questionnaire that is designed purely for the students and young adults that I intent to contact through the medium of social media and this will contain open questions. And I will also have a questionnaire that I will also ask members of the public and the students online with set answers that they must choose from.

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