Wednesday 3 July 2013

Evaluation; RT LO2.2 and LO3.3 and LO4.1 and LO4.2 and LO4.3

 Learning Objective 2+3+4


2.2 Justify validity of data.
3.3 Demonstrate due compliance in all aspects of the research conducted.
 4.1 Evaluate the strength and weaknesses of the research process.
 4.2 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the research outcomes.
 4.3 Critically assess areas for further consideration and make recommendations.

Primary Research/Methods/Outcomes.

On collecting my primary research I found that it’s very difficult to get a clear image of an area as this data is full of opinion and contains many different viewpoints which make this type of research hard to compile to get the full picture therefore I the research is valid as the it has measured exactly what each test has been designed to do however the reliability of the research is next to none as if I were to repeat any of the three tests I wouldn’t receive the exact same answers again as the tests are designed to get the opinion of those in the area and everyone’s opinion is different so the primary research is valid and not reliable. By using a structured interview I was restricting the validity of the response as I was restricting the flow of the interviews therefore by cutting out data they may have given me more of what I needed.

Secondary Research/Methods/Outcomes.

For gathering my secondary research I solely relied on the internet and I did you the Wikipedia a website that allows anyone to edit the content on the web pages therefore the information may not be one hundred percent accurate, however this is the risk that you take when using the internet for secondary research. However this is the easiest and cheapest way of conducting research as primary research requires a lot of time and money which is why I only had a small sample of which I interviewed. However the information that was recovered online did show an insight into the town of Romford and gave me a clear picture of its history and how it has become what it has.

The Process.

Some of those who I interviewed didn’t really know much about the area and had only visited a few times therefore this made it difficult to get the answers that I was looking for, for this research report and if I had more time I would’ve gone out again and taken more interviews in order to get a full set of people that know the area and have lived there for many years which would have made my primary research more valid by giving me exactly what I needed. Also on the secondary research I would’ve taken the time to have used a wide range of sources e.g. books, photographs etc.

Legal and Ethical Issues.

On conducting my interviews I gave them my name and explained to them individually what my aims and purpose were for these interviews and I also explained that I would be using their answers as a part of this report and some people did refuse therefore I did not proceed with the interviews, but for those that accepted these factors they were happy for me to use the information that was being provided, I did not however get this down in writing for further reference. I also only asked for one piece of information from the interviewees and this was their age and they were compliant with this and I received this detail. I didn’t ask for their names I kept it anonymous as I did not wish people to be attached to the information that was given and I felt that this then allowed them to feel comfortable in opening up to me.

Outcomes/Further Research.

On looking at my research I believe that on the whole I have met my objective that was to show that  Romford has two different personalities and I have achieved this by seeing the two sides from the perspective that see them however I do feel that I do need to do more further research into the nightlife that is Romford as I felt that there was more that I could have worked with and built upon however I didn’t take the opportunity to do so therefore the detailing on this part is a little unfinished and requires more work. However I do believe that I have displayed an insight into what Romford is like today and how it has changed over the years and how it will continue to do so. I would suggest that if I were to redo this report that I would take a lot more time and would like into the research with more detail as I believe that there is always more to something than meets the eye and there is more to this town and what reputation it holds.

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