Wednesday 3 July 2013

Evaluation; RT LO2.2 and LO3.3 and LO4.1 and LO4.2 and LO4.3

 Learning Objective 2+3+4


2.2 Justify validity of data.
3.3 Demonstrate due compliance in all aspects of the research conducted.
 4.1 Evaluate the strength and weaknesses of the research process.
 4.2 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the research outcomes.
 4.3 Critically assess areas for further consideration and make recommendations.

Primary Research/Methods/Outcomes.

On collecting my primary research I found that it’s very difficult to get a clear image of an area as this data is full of opinion and contains many different viewpoints which make this type of research hard to compile to get the full picture therefore I the research is valid as the it has measured exactly what each test has been designed to do however the reliability of the research is next to none as if I were to repeat any of the three tests I wouldn’t receive the exact same answers again as the tests are designed to get the opinion of those in the area and everyone’s opinion is different so the primary research is valid and not reliable. By using a structured interview I was restricting the validity of the response as I was restricting the flow of the interviews therefore by cutting out data they may have given me more of what I needed.

Secondary Research/Methods/Outcomes.

For gathering my secondary research I solely relied on the internet and I did you the Wikipedia a website that allows anyone to edit the content on the web pages therefore the information may not be one hundred percent accurate, however this is the risk that you take when using the internet for secondary research. However this is the easiest and cheapest way of conducting research as primary research requires a lot of time and money which is why I only had a small sample of which I interviewed. However the information that was recovered online did show an insight into the town of Romford and gave me a clear picture of its history and how it has become what it has.

The Process.

Some of those who I interviewed didn’t really know much about the area and had only visited a few times therefore this made it difficult to get the answers that I was looking for, for this research report and if I had more time I would’ve gone out again and taken more interviews in order to get a full set of people that know the area and have lived there for many years which would have made my primary research more valid by giving me exactly what I needed. Also on the secondary research I would’ve taken the time to have used a wide range of sources e.g. books, photographs etc.

Legal and Ethical Issues.

On conducting my interviews I gave them my name and explained to them individually what my aims and purpose were for these interviews and I also explained that I would be using their answers as a part of this report and some people did refuse therefore I did not proceed with the interviews, but for those that accepted these factors they were happy for me to use the information that was being provided, I did not however get this down in writing for further reference. I also only asked for one piece of information from the interviewees and this was their age and they were compliant with this and I received this detail. I didn’t ask for their names I kept it anonymous as I did not wish people to be attached to the information that was given and I felt that this then allowed them to feel comfortable in opening up to me.

Outcomes/Further Research.

On looking at my research I believe that on the whole I have met my objective that was to show that  Romford has two different personalities and I have achieved this by seeing the two sides from the perspective that see them however I do feel that I do need to do more further research into the nightlife that is Romford as I felt that there was more that I could have worked with and built upon however I didn’t take the opportunity to do so therefore the detailing on this part is a little unfinished and requires more work. However I do believe that I have displayed an insight into what Romford is like today and how it has changed over the years and how it will continue to do so. I would suggest that if I were to redo this report that I would take a lot more time and would like into the research with more detail as I believe that there is always more to something than meets the eye and there is more to this town and what reputation it holds.

Research Reports; RT LO1.1 and LO2.1 and LO3.1 and LO3.2

Learning Objective 1+2+3

Research Report.

1.1 Apply research methods and procedures in a media production context to gather well focused and useful materials.
2.1 Apply correct procedures for collection of accurate data.
3.1 Use an agreed format to present the outcomes of the research clearly to an audience.
3.2 Reference material and quotations accurately in a bibliography and credit list.

This study looks at the town of Romford, London and will show the diversity that this town has to offer as well as showing what the public think on the area now and how it has grown into a town that is both a market place and a place to socialise. Romford is the Jekyll and Hyde of London, a town with two very different personalities.

Located in Northeast, London, Romford is a large suburban town that is headed by the London Borough of Havering. Romford was a historical market town that unfortunately dissolved in 1892. However this town has good road links and when the railway station was built back in 1839 Romford soon be can to develop and shifted from agriculture to a light industry town and more recently moved  into retail and commercial shopping. In the 20th Century the growth of suburban London meant that Romford expanded and the population increased dramatically becoming a municipal borough in 1937 and become a part of Greater London in 1965. It is now ‘one of the largest commercial, retail, entertainment and leisure districts outside of central London’ [Wikipedia, 2013, Online] and has developed a ‘night time economy’ [Wikipedia, 2013, Online].  

Romford market has been trading for over ‘760 years’ [, 2013, Online] and has become a huge part of shaping this town. In 1247 the market originated as a sheep market. ‘Under the Royal Charter of the Liberty of Havering, granted by King Henry III no other market is permitted to set up within a day’s sheep drive (six and two-thirds miles) of Romford’ [Wikipedia, 2013, Online]. The market was used as part of The Prodigy’s music video Voodoo People and was also in a film starring Chris Kamara.

Romford compared (2001 Census)
Ethnic group

[Wikipedia, 2013, Online]

This table shows that Havering has 213,421 white people and Romford has around 17% of the figure living within its area postcode. Romford has the majority of its residents being white and the minority being Chinese/Other with that figure standing at 131 people in comparison to 12,247 white people living in Romford however this census was taken back in 2001 therefore now in 2013, these figures maybe very different to what they were then.

Romford is known for its retail experiences that it has on offer with The Brewery being built ‘on the site of the former Star Brewery, and it opened in 2001’ [Wikipedia, 2013, Online]. It is one of the three main shopping facilities in Romford, alongside The Liberty and The Mercury. A 25% stake in the shopping centre was recently sold to ‘Prudential Property Investment Managers for £44.25m’. [Wikipedia, 2013, Online]. It contains everything from a cinema to a supermarket to restaurants and a fitness centre it is also home to ‘Europe’s largest play area’ [The Brewery, 2013, Online]. The Liberty is another on the three main shopping centres that are situated in Romford and was ‘first built in 1968 on land known as ‘Liberty’.’ [The Liberty, 2013, Online] and in 2001 a £54m redevelopment project was put into the shopping centre to bring it into the 21st century to become what we see today.

Nightlife, Romford contains a number of around 15 pubs, clubs and bars. Yates is a ‘vibrant lunchtime trade, an easy venue to chill, relax, meet, eat and drink’ [Late night Essex, 2013, Online] but then it switches, much like the town that is situated, ‘Yates turns into one of the best venues in the area...Jagerbombs and pints for only £1’ [Late night Essex, 2013, Online] it is venues like this that attract the students to the area with the cheap drinks and a vibrant atmosphere. Missoula in Romford is another place that is considered ‘one of the places to go on a night out in Essex’ [Late night Essex, 2013, Online] with a cocktail special every Friday.  Kosho is another bar that is has a chilled atmosphere during the day and yet comes alive at night. Voodoo is a new addition to the line up that is on offer in Romford. The following sums up the nightlife that is on offer in Romford; ‘There is a developed night time economy, greater than in any other metropolitan centre in Greater London, with 8,360 square metres (90,000 sq ft) of cinemas, theatres and concert hall space; 9,530 square metres (102,600 sq ft) of bars and pubs; 5,510 square metres (59,300 sq ft) of cafes and restaurants; and 2,680 square metres (28,800 sq ft) of fast food and take away venues. The night time economy is almost as significant as the day economy with around 12,000 visit to Romford during the day and 11,000 visit to pubs, clubs and bars at night.[Wikipedia, 2013, Online]. 

What is Romford like during the day, describe a day in Romford.

This question got a lot of response some positive and some negative. T he positive from the question was people said that ‘A day in Romford is calm and relaxing’ with people saying that Romford is ‘the place to shop’ as they described Romford as the only place that they would come to shop for all occasions, be it for birthday presents or an outfit for a wedding Romford is said to have it all. However I did get the odd member of the public that described Romford as a bit ‘old fashioned’ and that felt they Romford needed ‘improving’ it was as though they felt that even though this area has undergone major development that still this hasn’t brought much to the area.

What are the people in Romford like?

The people of in the market place were strongly described as ‘friendly’, ‘hardworking Londoners’ it was clear that the people that I interviewed felt that the market had an inviting atmosphere and this was mainly down to the people that work on the stalls, however they said that some that work in the market were described as ‘unwelcoming’ as they felt that they wasn’t really interested in the area but they was only a minority of the people many felt that they people in Romford were nice friendly people they would do anything for anyone.

Sell Romford to me.

When I asked people to sell Romford to me I was frequently getting references to the market place and how that is the ‘heart of Romford’ the people that I spoke to on the street made it seem that if it wasn’t for the market then Romford would be just like anywhere else this is what makes this town unique. ‘There is something for everyone’ this is what I got from the respondents of this question as Romford has the shops, the market, cinema etc. Everything you need all under one roof.

Sample of 25 students aged between 17-21.

Would you recommend Romford as a place to go out of a night time? Yes/No
Yes- 15
No- 10

Would you go out in Romford for a night out? Yes/No

From looking at the results that I received from these two questions I noticed that people would go out in Romford on a night out and yet some people wouldn’t recommend the area to others as a place to go and when I asked them why they would recommend it as a night yet go there themselves the response I got was ‘it’s easy to get to from where I live so I go there if it was far then I wouldn’t travel or make anyone else travel just for a night in Romford’. This for me was a surprising answer as my secondary research suggests that Romford’s nightlife is a big part of their economy with around 11,000 people visiting Romford in the night, I just presumed that this meant that the nightlife was good yet some feel that it isn’t as great as it’s made out to be.

Describe a night out in Romford.

People described a night out in Romford as ‘interesting’ as they said that some of the people that come to Romford for a night out aren’t they nice of people or they ‘dress like slags’ and they felt that girls shouldn’t dress that way in public and this is one the reasons some people felt that Romford isn’t as glamorous as some make it out to be. However it was said that ‘it’s a cheap night out that isn’t far from home’. These findings had me think that maybe Romford isn’t the reason it wouldn’t be recommended as a good night out it might be the people they go out there and the way they represent the area of Romford in the night time meaning that the dynamic of the people they are out in Romford drastically changes from the day to the night.

Sample of 25 adults aged between 28-52.

Would you come Romford as a day out shopping? Yes/No
Yes- 22

Would you recommend Romford as a good place to come shopping? Yes/No
Yes- 19
No- 6

Again I found that people would come to Romford yet those same people wouldn’t recommend the area to others and where I questioned them on this I found that this was their local shopping facility and that they said the weather places a huge part on why they wouldn’t recommend the shopping facilities as some of it is outside they said ‘why come to somewhere that’s outside when you can go somewhere that’s warm and inside’.

Describe a day in Romford.

The people that I interviewed for this question described a day in Romford as ‘relaxing’ they made suggestions that the area had a calm atmosphere that the people were welcoming, with odd exception, and they said that the area of Romford was full of vibrant people and that you would be able to find everything that you wanted.

From conducting this research and complying it into this report I have learnt that Romford has many layers, some of which the people of that area don’t want to share with the worlds however there are many that they would be more than happy to share and it is clear to say that this town has a very colourful personality. The people that live within this area postcode are on the whole considered as rather friendly, warm and welcoming people which is a positive as and the end of the day it’s the people that make the area the area doesn’t make the people. Also it is clear that Romford changed over the years and is only beginning to blossom into its full potential and soon Romford will be in the height of its glory.

Word Count: 1,827

Bibliography. Online, Accessed 26/06/2013  Online, Accessed 26/06/2013  Online, Accessed 02/07/2013 Online, Accessed 02/07/2013  Online, Accessed 02/07/2013

Primary Research Instruments.

Structured Interview.

1.       What is Romford like during the day, describe a day in Romford.
2.       What are the people in Romford like?
3.       Sell Romford to me.

Questionnaire (Students).

1.       Would you recommend Romford as a place to go out of a night time? Yes/No
2.       Would you go out in Romford for a night out? Yes/No
3.       Describe a night out in Romford.

Questionnaire (Public).

1.       Would you come Romford as a day out shopping? Yes/No
2.       Would you recommend Romford as a good place to come shopping? Yes/No
3.       Describe a day in Romford.

Research Plan; RT LO1.1 and LO2.1

Learning Objective 1+2

Research Plan.
1.1 Apply research methods and procedures in a media production context to gather well focused and useful materials.
2.1 Apply correct procedures for collection of accurate data.


I want to find out what people think about the town of Romford and how during the day it is a market town and of a night time it becomes club central for many young adults and students. My aim is to be able to show and how Romford has two very different sides.

Primary Research.

For my primary research I will want to find out what the public really think of Romford as an area and to get the views on how they see Romford and what makes it a popular town to visit either in the daytime or the night time. I will be using social media as one of my main resources for my primary research as I will be emailing people that are from a selected age range in order to get their view on the nightlife in Romford, however I will be asking people again of a certain age range, on the high street and market place for their views of what Romford is like in the daytime.

Secondary Research.

For my secondary research I will be using the internet to find out facts and statistics about the area, which will give me an insight into the development of the area and how it has changed over the years so therefore my secondary research will tell me all the facts on what it used to be like and how it has be changed over the years and my primary research will give me the opinions on what it is like today.

Qualitative Research.

This will come from my primary research as this form of research lets us know more about the feelings and emotions of what the person is saying rather than a Yes/No answer. This will come from a structured interview that will consist of set questions that will help me understand the feelings of the respondents on the area.

Quantitative Research.

This form of research will mainly come from secondary research as I will research facts and figures of the area, however I may also get this form of research if I conduct a questionnaire with set answers for people to respond to this will give me my quantitative data to work with and analyse.

Structured Interviews.

I will conduct interviews with members of the public that are in and around the high street and the market place in order to get their opinion on the area by asking those set questions that will give the information that I require.


I will have questionnaire that is designed purely for the students and young adults that I intent to contact through the medium of social media and this will contain open questions. And I will also have a questionnaire that I will also ask members of the public and the students online with set answers that they must choose from.

Project Development

Project Development

Below was my original idea for my Imaging London Unit, however I soon realised that I had taken on more than I could handle and went for a more local approach and decided to go with Romford.

Notes/Presentation; Made In Chelsea.

Made in Chelsea is a popular reality television show that follows the glitzy lives of the residents that live within this exclusive postcode, SW3. I want to show you how the other half live.

Chelsea is an upmarket neighbourhood equivalent to that of New York's Upper East Side, Los Angeles' Beverly Hills. This is shown in the average housing price in Chelsea which is way above the £1.3 million mark. The exclusivity of Chelsea as a result of its high property prices has historically resulted in the term Sloane Ranger to be used to describe its residents. Moreover, Chelsea is home to one of the largest communities of Americans living outside of the United States, with 6.53% of Chelsea-residents being born in the United States.

King Henry VIII acquired the manor of Chelsea from Lord Sandys in 1536 and two of his wivesCatherine Parr and Anne of Cleves, lived in the Manor House; Princess Elizabeth the future Queen Elizabeth I was also a resident. Furthermore James I established a theological college on the site of Chelsea Royal Hospital, which was later founded by Charles II.
By 1694, Chelsea always a popular location for the wealthy, and once described as "a village of palaces" had a population of 3,000, even so, Chelsea remained rural and served London to the east as a market garden.

Chelsea was once famous for the manufacture of Chelsea buns; however the area is still famous for its "Chelsea China" ware, the Chelsea porcelain factory thought to be the first workshop to make porcelain in England were sold in 1769, and later moved to Derby. Examples of the original Chelsea ware fetch high values.

Chelsea shone again, brightly but briefly, in the 1960s Swinging London period and the early 1970s. The Swinging Sixties was defined on King's Road, which runs the length of the area. The Western end of Chelsea featured boutiques Granny Takes a Trip and The Sweet Shop, the latter of which sold medieval silk velvet caftans, with many customers, including Keith Richards, Twiggy, and many others.

Chelsea at this time was home to both the Beatles, and Rolling Stones members Brian Jones, Mick Jagger, and Keith Richards. In the 1970s, the World's End area of King's Road was home to Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood's boutique "SEX", and saw the birth of the British punk movement.
By the late 1970s, the growing bohemian and punk population moved from Chelsea into nearby Notting Hill and further north to Camden Town. Both of which remain places with a significantly high population of artists, musicians and those who work in other creative industries, particularly Camden Town.

King's Road remains the major artery through Chelsea and a very busy road, despite its continuing reputation as a shopping mecca; it is now home to many of the same shops found on other British high streets, such as Gap, and McDonald's. Sloane Street is quickly catching up with Bond Street as one of London's premier shopping destinations, housing a variety of high-end fashion or jewellery boutiques such as Cartier, Tiffany & Co, Dolce & Gabbana, Prada, Gucci, Harrods, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Jimmy Choo, Giorgio Armani, Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel, Valentino and many others.

So you want to see how the other half live?